Thank You, Adoptive Parents!

Names below are listed in alphabetical order by first name or first name of business. This list will be updated quarterly.

We would like to recognize and thank our zoo animal parents. Animal adoptions provide valuable funds to cover animal care expenses and the operations of our nonprofit zoo. We truly appreciate the generosity of our animal parents.

If you would like to adopt a zoo animal, visit our Animal Adoption page. Contact our Animal Adoption Coordinator Heather Doncaster at if you have questions about this program or the listings you see on this page.

Animal Parents

Denise Stariwat

Brenda Theyers

Robert Dexheimer

Amanda Eckersley

Susan Tomasek

Elizabeth Wilson

Christine Schultz

Helga Watterson

Klaar Family

Brittany Martin

Julie Dumoulin/Dick Emanuel

Chris Campbell

Anne Ward

Alia Suver

Kendal Douts

Chris Terry

Tom Flynn

Bongirno Family

Loren Bongirno

Margaret Sharrow

Paige Reuter

Savannah Rubio

Ron webb

Ashley Resh

Breanna Broiles

Janet Brand

Paxson Woelber

Todd Caple

Barbara Baush

David Carter

Lisa Bulkow

Eli Kroska

Anya Carpenter

Shaina Jones

Arlo Handley

Spencer Carpenter

Amy McFarlane

Richard Glenn

Kathleen Bugbee

Kyle Gandy

Julie and Scott McClure

Wyatt McClure

Quinn McClure

Killian McClure

Kai Cruz

Marcella Knowlton

Mary Dempsey

Ellen Green

Thane and Sawyer Barta

Carla Scanalan

Steven Carraway

Carol Hugh

Janet Ulrich

Barbra Bohn

Robert Peterson

Ambreen Brown

2024 Adoptions: 

Karen Gomez

Diane Droutman

Melissa Tansik

Courtnee White

Marcella Knowlton

Adam Bryant

Faye Stiehm

Kyle Lee

Eric and Sarah Whyte

Dick and Benda Roberson

Thank you for your support!