Zoo Code of Conduct

The following are rules for visitor conduct at the zoo. We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave if they violate these policies.

The following are not allowed on zoo grounds:

  • Smoking (cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc.)

  • Pets (certified assistance dogs permitted)

  • Firearms

  • Balloons (choking hazard for the animals)

Respect our Animals and Facilities

WALK: Running may result in falls and injuries while posing risks to staff who may be handling, walking or transporting animals. We ask visitors to walk at all times.

NO FEEDING: The diets we prepare for zoo animals are nutritionally balanced for the species. Human food, plants picked along trails and other items may be unhealthy and lead to injury, illness or death.

STAY ON THE TRAILS: No person of any age (except zoo staff) should lean, climb or reach across fences. Wooden trail fences are designed to keep visitors in safe trail areas, however they are not built for leaning or sitting and may break. Please use benches for seating. Photography must be conducted from designated visitor areas, safely behind trail fences. 

RESPECT OUR ANIMALS: The zoo is home to orphaned and injured wild animals. We ask that all visitors to zoo grounds behave with respect toward the animals - no yelling, throwing objects, etc. Please take the time to explain to children why these behaviors have negative impacts on the animals including stress due to sensitive hearing, sensitive vision or having objects thrown at them when they cannot move away. Remind them that they are the next generation of animal caregivers.

Photo Policy

Enjoy your visit to the Alaska Zoo and feel free to take as many photographs as you like for your own personal use. Commercial photography is forbidden without prior written consent of the Alaska Zoo Director. Click here to view or download the Alaska Zoo Photography Rates and Guidelines sheet (PDF)

Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your visit to the Alaska Zoo!